Career Mapping for Business Growth

“Failing to plan is planning to fail” – Benjamin Franklin

Your employees should be able to answer this question with nothing but confidence … 

“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” 

Tercus HR is here to make sure they say, “I’ll be working for you, doing XYZ”. 

How can we get those results? 

With Career mapping. Allowing you to help your employees plan their personal and professional growth within the company, accounting for their interests, skills and goals. 

Why would an employee dedicate so much time and energy to a role that won’t facilitate their growth?  

It’s up to you to ensure your HR model acknowledges this, so let’s get started. 

The benefits of career mapping 

One in five workers will quit in 2024. 

A key reason for resignation is to pursue an opportunity with better prospects. 

Career mapping lays out all the prospects and available growth within your company, making people more motivated and driven to get to where they want to be. In turn, they’ll be less likely to look elsewhere and leave.

What are the other pros of career mapping? 

Employee benefits

Autonomy and growth opportunity: Career mapping allows employees to grow in a direction that benefits both them and your organisation and puts them in charge of their own growth 

Employee retention: This is the main goal, which will be much easier now that your employees are satisfied and motivated with supported goals 

Positive work environment: Work culture will be built on positive workplace relationships, job security and empowering the people who truly run the show 

Financial confidence: Employees will know a timeline for what to do and for a raise, providing you with evidence and justification that requires little oversight from you 

Business benefits

Cost efficiency: It’s cheaper and more effective to promote from within, cutting the recruitment and majority of the training costs by a mile 

Measurable business growth: Mapping out employee milestones allows you to keep track of areas of growth, allowing you to account for that in business forecasts 

Competitive edge: Attract better talent when you need to hire (thanks to all the growth!) by demonstrating progressive and healthy internal operations 

Developed expertise: Employees will gauge a detailed and holistic understanding of the business the longer they have been there and the more roles they’ve experienced. This means all operations will be thorough and accompanied by faster problem-solving 

Both individual aspirations and company goals are likely to be met simultaneously. Career mapping requires monitoring with mentors or managers to ensure employees are both on track and happy with their forecasted progression. 

How to go about career mapping

Start by talking with your team to understand their career goals, strengths, and areas where they want to improve. Match these goals with what your company offers, making sure both your employees and your business benefit. Create personalised plans to help your team take small steps towards their goals.  

The next step is finding the right training, whether it’s online or outsourced, whichever fits your needs. Finally, provide regular feedback and praise yourself or from an assigned mentor to keep them motivated and on track with their career plans.  

You bring the map, we’ll provide the route

Career mapping for multiple employees can be hard to do alone. Especially when you need to factor in your business goals too. 

We can help you put everything in place to simplify this process. Meaning nobody gets left behind, most importantly, you. 

We’ve been in this game a long time, let us take the reins, you deserve success. 

Contact us today.