Make your business a desirable place to work
As an employer, you understand the importance of your people to your business. It’s a happy, healthy, and engaged workforce that will drive your organisation forward.
Recruiting the right people can be tricky, especially in a competitive job market like we see today. To elevate your offering, expanding your range of employee benefits is a proactive way to attract the best talent and ensure your current team have the tools and resources they need to thrive.
At Tercus HR, we’ve brought together a wide range of partners to deliver the best benefits to suit your team, with packages ranging from training to health and wellbeing.
Download your free employee benefits guide here.
Did you know 83% of companies are looking to increase their wellness benefits in the future?
With a focus on responsiveness and innovation, occupational health services include:
- Monitoring and assessment of your employee’s health.
- Educating workers about preventative and control measures.
- General healthcare and rehabilitation services.
By taking occupational health seriously you can also bring a range of business benefits such as lowering absenteeism, improving relationships with customers, improving productivity, and reduced staff turnover.
Be the boss your employees deserve and invest in bespoke occupational health solutions today.
According to 92% of employees, employee training programs that are well-planned have a favourable impact on their level of engagement (Anoxify, 2018).
Employee training can range from:
- management and leadership training to stimulate the future leaders in your team.
- softer skills such as communication and confidence building to invigorate employees who need a little extra help.
By investing in your team’s development you can unlock newfound productivity and efficiency, making your team even more accountable.
Don’t put training your employees at the bottom of your to-do list and invest in employee training now.
Employee wellbeing continues to be at the top of the corporate agenda, with the majority of businesses having a formal wellbeing strategy in place – rising to 50% in 2021 from 44% in 2020.
Health and wellbeing benefits include:
- private healthcare.
- counselling.
- meditation and yoga.
Investing in your team’s health and wellbeing can lead to increased resilience, better employee engagement, reduced sick absence, and higher performance and productivity.
Delivering a strategy that delivers tangible benefits to your employees is a genuine way of showing them you care.
In a modern working world, companies need to become more efficient, or they risk losing more workers.
A startling statistic from Glean’s Workplace Habits and Hangups survey states employees spend, on average, at least two hours a day of their work week looking for the documents, information, or people they need to do their jobs.
Investing in an HRIS can save you time and money.
HRIS systems include:
- timekeeping.
- annual leave.
- personal files.
- appraisals.
- self-service.
Ultimately, it’s about making HR operations more simple, efficient, and productive.
By incorporating an HRIS system within your business you can expect faster recruitment cycles, improved employee branding, easier planning and forecasting, and improved company culture.
“Do we always need to be in an office to do work?” “Can we still work collaboratively in different locations?”
The COVID-19 pandemic hit and answered all these questions. We discovered that individuals and teams can perform whilst being in different places which has given way to new questions.
“Is this new work format here to stay?” “Can we truly work from anywhere?”
We believe the answer is yes.
Our Nomad Policy aims to give your people greater control of what they do, what they can achieve, and where they are able to do it.
It’s been shown that being able to work from anywhere gives your employees:
- more flexibility.
- more productivity.
- more contentment.
Employees have shown they are capable to perform in various environments, not just at the office.
Discover more about our Nomad Policy here.
Menopause the Wright Way (MtWW) offers a range of education and training sessions that provide employers and their employees with an understanding of the menopause journey and its potential impact upon an organisation and those that work within it.
There is a misconception that the impact of the menopause transition is only experienced by women themselves.
However, menopause can have wider repercussions for employers in terms of talent retention and recruitment, HR issues and even employer/employee disputes.
With employers increasingly focused on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) including employee wellness, it is important that menopause awareness and being a menopause “friendly” and supportive organisation should be a goal for all organisations aspiring to be “best in class”.
All of the sessions can be delivered either virtually or in person and in collaboration with an existing HR function.
Contact Tercus HR
If you’re ready to elevate your business’s employee benefit programme, then get in touch with us today.